Tetbury Badminton Club - Playing Competitive Badminton Since The 1930's
Mondays 7:30-9:30pm
Thursdays 7:30-8:30pm
4th September 2023 - 25th April 2024

Beginners and intermediate coaching on a Monday night!

Posted on October 25th, by Ollie Strutt in News. Comments Off on Beginners and intermediate coaching on a Monday night!

Tetbury Badminton Club is looking for new male and female players of any age and experience. We are running new coaching sessions with a qualified coach on Monday evenings. Rackets provided if required.

Coaching available from Monday 6th November for six weeks
8pm-9pm: Beginners coaching
9pm-10pm: Intermediate and match play coaching
Courts also available for friendly play between 8pm-10pm (included in coaching cost)

£5 for adults and £3 for juniors per session (stay and play for the other hour)

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